While fasting (not through active choice, but through a stomach bug) I spent much time in meditation and prayer.
I was awakened at precisely midnight by the brightest light right into my eyes. The full moon had hit a tiny chink in the window and was glowing on my face. I immediately knew that God had heard my prayers, and that an answer was coming. The following night. I woke early again, and was compelled to start writing. It turned out to be divine advice for my life. I am an active participant in my health and Wellness. I recently completed 1 year no beer. I walk daily in nature, and far. I eat reasonably well and have knowledge of nutrition. Yet here I was ill. It turned out there was a lot I needed to 'tweak'. Here is the Divine advice I received. I am sharing it incase it may be helpful for you too. Divine Advice For Life Plan your work around your family. Don’t try to fit family around your work. Plan breaks around your mood. Don’t try to fit your mood around your breaks. Plan your exercise around flexibility. Don’t squeeze flexibility around other things. Plan walks and waking together. Don’t wake and try to find time to walk. Plan your health around nature. Don’t try to fit nature around your health. Plan your meals around Vegetables. Don’t try to fit vegetables around your meals. Plan your spending around a budget. Don’t try to find the budget for your spending. Plan your routine around sleep. Don’t leave sleep to ‘fit in’ around your commitments. Plan your chores around energy flows. Don’t force your energy for chores. Plan your friendships around values and love. Don’t compromise values for friends. Plan your week around a structure. Don’t overcommit and bend the week around demands. Plan your life around meditation and prayer. Don’t fit meditation and prayer around your life. Plan your life around God. Because God has plans for your life. Follow this, and you will be free and full of health. What do you think? Could this advice be helpful for you too? After receiving this advice, I know I for one am going to sit down. Re-examine my priorities, and make a beautiful plan for my day, week, and life that prioritises what is most important. God Bless
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Hello, this is Peace speaking.
You remember me, don’t you! You remember me blowing cool air over you, as you reclined in the sun on a holiday. Maybe for you on a beach or by a pool, or simply at home laying in bed. You remember me slowing your heart down, as you got a hug from your parent or loved one after a childhood fall. You remember me helping you sleep after you got all your cryings out that time. You remember me lifting up the corners of your mouth as you looked out at the most beautiful sunrise, sunset, or view from a mountain top. I’m as precious to you as you are to me. And, my preciousness, I’m here today because you desire to hear from me. If you like you can start to relax as you read my message: Do you know, I've been watching you this year! From very far away, from high, high up beyond the clouds. You may not have noticed me, but I'm always there. I’m always here. People often don't notice me, because they're too busy going about their day doing their busy things, being busy people. They don't stop. And in order to see me, and to experience me, you must stop. And boy have I been saddened by some of the things that I've seen, by some of the things that I’ve read. It seems to me that my old buddies conflict and fear are ever-present. In our fear, we have suffered. Becoming too scared, we have looked for someone to blame. We are looking for someone to blame for the situation that we are in today, for the situation that our society is in, that our economy is in, that our health is in. We say: it's their fault over there. They're not playing by the rules! But whose rules should we follow? The rules that say: listen to a man who runs a big organisation and tells you that this Drug will help, even though the organisation has been sued for billions of dollars for lying in the past? Or should we listen to the woman who says: Take this herb and this supplement, get outside, you don't need that drug, this will help? Even though the herb has perhaps not been proven in a clinical trial to work and the woman herself does not have a medical degree. Who should we listen to? From my point of view up very, very high I can see a fallacy. I can see a belief that there are indeed two sides to this story. But my darlings, this is not true. From up here, I see only one truth and that truth is that you all have to stop! You have to stop and look up and see me and see peace and be in peace. Then when you look at each other, instead of seeing your enemy, you will realise that you're looking at a reflection of yourself! A reflection of another being of love and light who simply wants wellness. Who simply wants health, who simply wants freedom and a better society and a better world. The conflict between us is not real. And yet, you continue to insist that it is. Putting your posts on Facebook and social media, reading things in the newspapers, repeating things from the newspapers. Forming groups and subgroups of people that share your views in order that you can discuss and reinforce how awesome you are because you wear a mask, or you refuse a mask. None of these things are even real. What is real, is that you are a divine expression of love experiencing itself through this life using a human body. This human body has core needs. And, my darling, you're not getting them met! You're not getting enough sleep and enough sunlight, enough nutrition enough minerals, enough water, enough rest, enough connection, enough socialising, enough hugs, enough love. You're not getting them! And there's too much attacking your body. Too many chemicals, too much stress, too much in your environment, too much crap that we don't even understand yet. And when this happens, dis-ease happens. That is the truth. How you receive my simple message is up to you. But my darlings you need to look deeper. You need to look into the cause of the ill-health of this society and this planet. You need to throw away the things that are poisoning your body and poisoning the planet. And you need to come back into me, to come into Peace, to come into rest. Because this my dears, is where the true healing and health is. This is where the solution to your argument is. This is where you will find me. So stop, look up, and be in Peace. Last night I asked 'Love' what I should write for a blog. Below is what she replied:
Hi there, this is love speaking. I’m smiling because it is so nice to meet you in this way. Perhaps you can feel me smiling? I’m so glad we have found each other here. I see you have met my twin nemesis fear. He is a dear fellow and an old friend. Don’t mind him, he has good intentions. He desires to lead you to me! And here you are! Fear is having a bit of a party this year, he is gloating to me daily about how well he is doing. It’s not that more things are happening, it’s just that his message has spread quickly - he LOVES social media, and he loves the press these days too. But if you are reading this then you want to know more about how to rest in me - love. Yay! I’m so happy. I’m so happy to bursting that I wrote you a poem, here it is: Follow your heart when your head isn’t right. If racing thoughts keep you up at night. Follow your heart to whatever feels light, keep it in focus - and love in your sights. Stop drinking and smoking and sugar and wheat. Dairy if you can - that would be neat. All of these things they clog up your system. Stopping emotions, you blink and you’ve missed em. Family and friends form the home of your soul. Keeping in touch will help you be whole. Work within rules but hug if you can, no-one should stop this - woman or man. Fear of death wears a ‘love for life’ cloak. It’s not me though - forget it spoke. Instead remember that you never die, enjoy each moment till the day you can fly. Love love’s a smile so if wearing a mask. Draw a smile on it, and flash eyebrows back. Do something funny so folk get a laugh, live your life whole - don’t live it half. Show love to elders, and visit them now. Call them, write to them, show them somehow: That they are important and you need them still. And till they are ready, be healthy they will. Find a new hobby, find one that thrills! I’m friends with Joy - with it my heart fills. Joy, and peace, and love are best friends. Working together, the fun never ends! Grow your knowledge and learn about health. Don’t let the world take yours by stealth. Find out about food, and plants and trees. Learn to love them, imagine you are bees. Stop all your fighting, your minds are not open. Truth on both sides not listened, just spoken. Love doesn’t judge your actions through fear. It seeks instead to open your ear. Listen to love, listen today. Ask yourself ‘What would Love say’? Every hour, every question, ask yourself - what is loves direction? Follow these rules and love will have won. Fear is soo 2020, meet me in 2021. |
Daryl GoveI Like writing stuff that people like reading. Old Blogs |